

Photo of Alexis Michaltsis

Alexis Michaltsis


AV­TOOLS.IO is a plat­form for free and pre­mium tools tailored for audio, video, and film pro­duc­tion. It of­fers a suite of ap­plications en­gineered to streamline var­i­ous me­dia work­flow op­er­a­tions, with Bulk TC stand­ing out as a fa­vored time­code cal­cu­lator among in­dustry ex­perts. The plat­form was launched as Cine­Lexi in 2018 and re-branded to its cur­rent iden­tity in 2022.

Alexis Michaltsis, the founder of AVTOOLS.IO, brings a dis­tinct per­spective to the plat­form rooted in his jour­ney from film post-pro­duc­tion to software de­vel­op­ment. His path has equipped him with in­sights into the chal­lenges en­countered by pro­fessionals in the in­dustry. Driven by a blend of pro­fessional ex­perience and per­sonal pas­sion, Alexis is com­mitted to in­novation and meet­ing the evolv­ing needs of his cus­tomers through ac­tive di­a­logue.